well tomorrow is the big day! the episode of four weddings that we're featured on will be airing at 10pm EST on TLC.
those are just a few of the emotions i've had over the last few weeks especially in anticipation of this day. being on a reality show has been so interesting. the fact that i just typed that sentence is SO WEIRD. i'm gonna be on tv y'all. this is insane.
the whole experience was a lot of fun, but way more time demanding than i ever thought it would be. i also never realized how exhausting it would be to have a camera in your face for 6+ hours in a day. your filter has to be on point. you can't even chew your food without it being captured on film. umm awkward.
i will say that the way that i view tv, especially reality tv, is forever changed. i now have this insider's perspective on what goes on behind the scenes and it's actually pretty cool.
i'm rambling, i know. do you guys have tons of questions yet? haha.
seriously though, there are some things that i'd love to share with you (especially after the episode airs). and i'm sure once you see it there will be questions. so i want to open up the platform for you to ask away in the comment section. i'll do my best to answer what i can in a future post or vlog or something.
maybe you want to know how i got on the show in the first place? what was the audition process like? did i actually like the other girls? was it stressful having cameras and a bunch of TLC crew people at my wedding? is your brain spinning now? cause mine is.
alright i'm gonna keep this brief. but i do want to say thank you thank you thank you for all the love and support you have all shown throughout this process. i know you're rooting me on and will still love me no how crazy i look. you will, right? but seriously, all of YOU are one of the main reasons i did this show. to share another part of my life with you that otherwise you might not have gotten to see. to let you into one of the most special days of my life. so smooches to all of you.
also, i'm gonna do my best to livetweet during the episode if i can manage it. if you don't follow me then go request me (cause i'm private): thelifeofsusan
i've heard that if you tweet with the hashtag #fourweddings then you might have a chance of getting your tweet featured on the show. how cool would that be? so say something about how awesome i am. haha! i kid i kid. but seriously, be nice ok? and just for fun let's make another hashtag #susanfourweddings to use on twitter and IG so i can go back and see what you all said/photographed, etc.
ok, i'm really done now. i love you all!
grace and peace,