Thursday, September 8, 2011

reflecting on my 20s

i'm 29 today. all week i've been asking myself where my twenties went, but then tonight i started to really think about it and i know exactly where they went...

i spent some of it working for my family's business, alongside my best friends. long days, but fun days. traveling around the east coast and getting paid to sleep in nice hotels and eat at fancy restaurants. oh those were the days. and i thought life was so hard back then... oh if i only knew, right lyryn?

i spent almost a year of it with ywam... meeting new people... learning that i could survive away from home. tragedy struck that year, but God brought me through and i realized the value of living life in community with others.

i jumped into the life of full-time ministry after leaving my 9-5 job. although there are days i miss the structure of a 9-5 i wouldn't trade what i'm doing for the world. i have grown and been stretched in so many ways because of it and i think God knew that's exactly what i needed.

i spent time seeing the world. i went to 7 countries... mexico, chile, costa rica, panama, england, romania and zambia... heck i even lived in zambia for 3 months... the time spent in those countries has greatly shaped the person i am today and i'm so blessed to have had those experiences.

i've watched as those i love the most made lifelong commitments... then babies started arriving (and i have a feeling will continue to arrive for quite some time)... and i became an aunt to 3 beautiful little girls and 1 handsome little guy.

i bought a house and spent lots of time turning it into my home. i feel like this home was such a special gift and i'm doing what i can to take the best care of it possible. i love that when people come here they always remark on how calm and peaceful it is. it's definitely my little safe haven so i love that other people feel that way, too.

i could go on and on about the beautiful and painful things i've experienced so far but that would take far too long. all i know is that i am grateful for this life that i get to live and i'm doing my best to embrace this season that i'm in. i'm gonna milk my 20s for all it's worth... even if that's only 1 more year.  :)



Jo-Anne said...

I have to admit, through reading your blog I've become totally enamored by all the amazing things you've done. It's plain to see what a big, amazing heart you have. As someone who just turned 32 I can say that your 30's bring a whole new amazing world too. Happy 29th! Happy Birthday!

Lyryn said...

Happy Birthday Bestie!!! You are so beautiful and wonderful and I just love you so very much!!!

You are so RIGHT about the traveling, but I'm SO GLAD that I got to do it with you!!! Our 20's were great, but so can our 30's! God has so much in store for you and I can't wait to see how God uses all you learned to glorify Him!

Love you!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Susan, may this last year of your 20s be the best one yet!

Kasey said...

Hey Darling, happy birthday. Keep being the amazing Susan we all know and love. One thing I love about being friends with older people...they get to pave the it's just smooth sailing by the time I get there. :) Love you.

Brittany said...

Happy, happy birthday, Susan!! Hope it's filled with all that you love. I pray God's blessings on you for a new year of celebrating His love! :)

Ruth Witmer said...

Happy Birthday Daughter! You are such a Blessing to your Dad and I. We are so thankful that God allowed us to be your Mom and Dad. You have been such a joy and inspiration to both of us and because of you we have been able to travel to wonderful places with you! We are excited to see what God is going to do in the next year in your life and we pray it is the best one yet! Thank you for all that you do for so many!
We love you daughter!
Mom and Dad

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

Happy birthday sweet sister! You have had an eventful 20's, that's for sure ;) Love you to pieces!

Lucy Marie said...

God sure has taken you on a journey in your 20s. Praying the most wonderful blessings for you in this last year of your 20s. I'm so blessed to *know* you. Happy birthday.

Unknown said...

oh my word. I am shocked as I just read the post from '08 about *that* event. I am so greatful you are ok :) happy birthday susan! have a wondeful year.

Kishah said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have had a wonderful day so far! Wishing you many more wonderful birthdays! :)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I love this post! I so hope you've had a wonderful birthday! I'll be joining you at 29 in just a few days!

Bethany said...

This post is late, I know (I have no internet access with the exception of when I ditch Matt and the kids for a few hours and leave the house to find some). Just wanted to say again Happy Birthday. I missed the date, but my thoughts were on you and hoping that on the special day you were born was filled with love from your family and friends! I enjoyed your post. You are so rich with experience! I am so impressed with the qualities you possess. I think most people who don't know you well would be SHOCKED to know that you don't have a college degree. You are so accomplished in your capabilities everything from the crafty to the cultural to the administrative and more. You are truly a remarkable woman, Susan. Wish I could spend more time with you :) Although time has kept us apart, I still love you. Hope it wasn't too sappy, but I mean it all!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Tatiana said...

You have lived through so much in your young years. But that's what makes you such a wise and beautiful person. I just love your heart.
I hope this year treats you really well :-)