it's crazy to me that it's almost easter and that lent is drawing to a close. i randomly gave up twitter and inadvertently ended up significantly reducing my online time which has been so refreshing. my google reader is getting really close to 1000 unread items and for the first time i don't have anxiety about that. my house is covered in a layer of dust due to construction happening here this week (a deck and a sliding door- yippee! more on that next week i hope!). again, normally the anxiety would be high. my house which is usually in almost-perfect order is a disaster. i figure i'll worry about it all when they're finished which should be today. anybody want to come help me clean tomorrow? pretty please? :)
my house could use a good spring cleaning anyway. i'm strangely looking forward to it. haha!
i guess i'm just learning to let things go. everything can't be perfect all the time. they'll be crazy weeks filled with dust but also filled with surprising fun moments (like first dates!). just trying to embrace it all i suppose.
hope that you're all enjoying the beginning of spring and basking in the love of our Creator!
grace and peace,

Good to hear from you, girlfriend!! And good for you, breaks are good for the soul every now and then. Happy spring to you!! :)
love the spring too. i'm looking forward for the summer! :D
Check it out if you are interesting. I'm giving a giveaway for a design blog, the talented sisters from Truly Your blog, they will be drawing a blog something you want, with props, a draw picture that look likes you. Interesting? Go on and enter and hope to win...
Good Luck
I love it too...
So refreshing, and I'm right there with you learning to let go of my routine, and the "perfect" put together house. God's doing a lot in my heart.
I'm glad you're doing well!
I love spring! I also love getting my house all clean and smelling good, it feels great!
I have learned to let some things go this spring as well. I used to HAVE to clean every Friday evening. Now, since we are spending so much time outside AND the amount of pollen in the air, it is pointless. I spot clean here and there and as long as nothing is sticking to my feet, I am happy :) Yay for a deck and new door!
Woot! First (and second) dates, for the win!
let's hear about this date!
And third dates!!! yay!! You are as beautiful inside and out as the Spring!! Enjoy it!
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