on sunday night i had an incredibly vivid dream about zambia. i'm pretty sure the dream was about my return there this summer because in it i was reuniting with a dear friend of mine and we were embracing and weeping and the joy at being together again was overwhelming. there were all kinds of other details, but the bottom line is this: all day yesterday my heart ached for africa. if you could feel a literal pain (which at times i think you can) i felt it.
so needless to say, africa has been on my mind even today. how can it not? my work surrounds it. so when i come across things online or hear about things from africa, it stirs me up. it stirs me up because there is so much good that can be done there and so many people just waiting for someone to hear and respond in love.
i was readying another blog today from a couple who is trying to adopt from ethiopia. they shared this video on their blog and i want to share it, too. it's another story from africa of rescue... of hope.. and of love. it moved me and i hope it moves you, too.
now that we have seen we are responsible.
Drawn from Water from Drawn From Water on Vimeo.
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