Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
i did not grab a sandwich for dinner at wawa on saturday, walk by the ice cream freezer and gaze longingly for a few minutes. i did not then proceed to notice a coupon hanging on the door for $1 off a pint of breyers snickers ice cream and convince myself that made it ok to purchase. not me!
on sunday morning i did not forgo a shower in order to get an extra few minutes of sleep and instead threw my head under the faucet so my hair would get that "fresh showered" look. no way! not me!
i did not wake up in the middle of the night after having 2 consecutive nightmares and wish i could run into my mom's room for a hug (despite my age of 26)... which i probably would not have done had she not been out of town. yeah, definitely not me!
i most certainly did not need my little sister to teach me how to put air in my tires at a gas station. i did not feel like a total loser for never learning how to do that. nope, not me!
i did not willingly choose to forget to set my alarm clock so i could sleep in this morning, on a monday none-the-less. that would be completely irresponsible and lazy! not me!
so come on... dish the dirt... you know you want to...
what didn't you do this week???
Great job on your first NMM! I can easily be convinced to buy ice cream if there is a coupon!
I'm totally doing this when I get home!
Good job on your first Not Me's! I totally would not have bought the ice cream either!
I know... Really fun. I saw that you posted it; and I was like Holy cow! I want to do that! lol!
Yay! You joined in! It's fun huh?!
Hey---something over at my blog for you ;)
hey great post. can't wait for this weeks!
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