we had the opportunity to share at 3 different churches today with some friends of ours and it was amazing. i am once again humbled by the outpouring of love from the romanian people. they welcome us with open arms and are willing to wait sometimes hours for us to arrive to share with them. i count it a full privilege to be welcomed into their homes and churches so openly. we were able to pray for many people and lay hands on many who are sick... i am so excited to hear the reports from those who were healed because i KNOW God did so much today!
the 2nd church felt right at home to me as soon as i walked in because it was PACKED with children. it's no secret that i love kids and i especially love teaching children's messages. i knew once i stepped through that door that i would need to share with those precious kids. immediately i thought that i would share the story of david and goliath, so while someone else introduced us i quickly refreshed my memory on all the details of the story. i had a blast getting them all involved and doing my best to make it applicable to their lives today. i think it went really well. they seemed on the edge of their seats which is always a good sign. storytelling to children is so fun because you get to be silly and extra dramatic. haha. right up my alley!
overall it was a fabulous first day. please pray for God to continue to give us strength for the days ahead! tomorrow our day will start at 11am and they say we won't return to the hotel until midnight! oh my! this is not a trip for the faint of heart. it's tiring, but God's love must be spread. so thankful i get to be one of His tools to do it!
and thank you to all of you who are praying for us while we are here. your prayers are certainly felt. thank you thank you thank you!!!!
grace and peace,

Yay! Glad it's going so well already!
ps. you look super cute! Love that outfit.
I loved reading this! Such great work you are doing there!
First off, you look great! Love the teal colour on you.
Glad the prayers are being felt!
You and your team are such good people :)
Yay! YOU BLOGGED! (and I just read it---FAIL!)...praying for you guys!
I just read on From the Natos about your stomach issues and what happened...that is HILARIOUS! LOL!
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