so why did i take a picture of myself in all my hat-hair glory in the bathroom mirror holding a yellow rose? because i was just so darn happy and had to share it.
you see, there's a flower shop here in town that puts a name on their sidewalk sign every day. it usually says, "if your name is ______ then stop in for a free rose!" i've seen friends names pop up and called to let them know. i look at that sign almost every day, usually when i'm leaving the office or running errands. so imagine my surprise when my good friend jen called me on tuesday afternoon and said the magic words, "you get a rose today!" i knew exactly what she meant. my name was on the sign! we laughed and i thanked her for telling me. it was a short, but fun exchange between the two of us.
i finished up my day in the office and i contemplated whether i should stop in. yes, i was really excited when my friend had called me but i knew then that the likelihood of me actually going in to claim that rose was pretty slim. i thought of all the reasons i shouldn't. i know what you're thinking. it's just a stupid rose. what's the big deal? but when insecurity tries to creep its way in and claw at you it's hard to stop those thoughts. i finally had to tell myself to get over it and just do it. i walked into the flower shop and made eye contact with the woman behind the counter. she greeted me and i responded with "my name is susan!" she got a huge smile on her face and excitedly told me i was the first susan to stop in today. she led me over to the roses and told me to pick any color i wanted. i went with yellow. i've always been drawn to yellow roses. she wrapped it up in tissue paper for me and thanked me for stopping in. i told her, practically through tears, that she had made my day. it was a short and sweet interchange but after spending all day alone in my office i realized how much i needed a human connection like that- even if it was just for a minute.
i think i was literally beaming on the 8-block drive home. i snapped a photo and shared it online and all night long the most beautiful comments came pouring in. words of encouragement and life brought joy to my heart as friends, near and far, said the kindest things. and for once in my life i actually believe all the things they are saying about me. i am receiving them. i'm not dismissing them as hot air. i am loved. i believe that. wow. such a humbling and overwhelming feeling.
i always wondered why i was drawn to yellow roses. i know that rose colors have meanings so i looked up yellow and this is what i found:
and once again my heart says YES. i feel all those things today. and it kind of goes right along with my word for this year- renew. i woke up this morning with this scripture on my heart:Joy, Gladness, Friendship, Delight, Promise of a new beginning
"My beloved spoke and said to me, Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” Song of Solomon 2:10-13
grace and peace,

What a cute story! And you look GREAT in that pic. I've been a reader since before you and Katie began Weight Watchers and don't think I've commented before to tell you how great you look!
new follower! And this is the cutest story ever! Love it.
I think this is the cutest thing in the world! What a great idea and what a great way to put a smile on someone's face!
So Awesome! I got chills when I read this!
Your story made me cry haha!
I want a shop like that too, I'd go there everyday to see if my name's on there... And I'd have the same doubts to go in too :)
Aaah, so sweet :)
This is so awesome! It's the little things sometimes :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Truly!!!! Made me smile today :) Love ya, friend!!
Awesome. Amazing. Wonderful. I loved this post. And look great! I am struggling with weight are such a great inspiration!
I follow you and your sister and love reading your posts. I usually don't comment but today I just had to. What a wonderful idea the flower shop has and what an awesome way to end your day!!
how awesome! I wish our flower shops would do this. :)
Im so glad you stopped in to get your rose! You deserve it.
You are seriously such a beautiful person inside and out. From what I know about you (blog and instagram) you just have this shine about you...
That has to be the coolest idea ever for a flower shop. What a sweet story. :)
I'm such a hormonal mess over here crying. But I love this! and I love that you went in and claimed your rose, woman! And also? I was so confused, I thought it had your FIRST and LAST name on the sign. Not just "oh if you're katie come get your rose" HA. I will be paying attn more often ;)
Hi! I'm Susan, too..... do I get a yellow rose, too? They're my favorite, also....
LOVE this post. What a sweet and gentle reminder from God of your goal for this year.
Totally teared up reading this! So enjoying your blog and I know I've told you this probably 10 times lately but you look AMAZING. For reals. SO pretty!
I absolutely loved this post and tears streaming down my face. I love you daughter, you truly are AMAZING!
So I have to say, saw your pic on facebook and it's freaking awesome! I mean you! You look like a million bucks...I think it's your heart shining through. And the cute outfit, fab hair color and beautiful face help :)
And on a side note...I think your vase ki--inda looks like a penis! lol. lol. sorry. had to say it ;)
I love this story! So sweet! And i love yellow roses too. I love that they do that at that flower shop! What a cute idea!! :o)
two things, I LOVE that God give you that scripture! Talk about a faithful God!
And I love the flower story, sweet and special I just think it's the little things where God really shows us love and that he hasn't forgotten about us.
And 2: you look so skinny in your picture!!
You inspire me girly!
Happy Friday!
Seriously Sue, I'm so amazed by how far you've come in just a year. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. With every post I can see your confidence in yourself growing to new levels. I'm so glad that you're able to see what the rest of us have been seeing all along. You're a beautiful person. Inside and out. You should celebrate yourself with flowers more often :-)
GAH! You're so lucky! My name (Ronica or Ronni) is NEVER on any of those signs. Or keychains. Or pens. Or magnets.
New reader here! I love this post. You make my heart happy. :)
new reader. aww i would love that. it would make my day brighten.
new follower :D
i follow you on Instragram. you will find my instagram Heavenlydreams88 :)
have a lovely week
How awesome to see a florist shop do that! I probably would have picked a yellow one too! They are my favorites! I knew they stood for friendship but " Promise of a new beginning" is pretty cool too!
Hey, thanks for your prayers and kind comment on my post today.
What a beautiful thing to share! Once again I'm convinced that it is the little things that matters...!
I Pray for you and wish nothing but joy!
how perfectly amazing and fitting that you chose a rose with such meanings as that! Love you, girl.
amazing blog!! i'm following you !!! if you like mine, do the same!!!
Freaky Friday
Freaky Friday FB FanPage
love the phone cover! Pretty rose too!
I want to express my admiration of your writing skill and ability to make readers read from the beginning to the end. I would like to be read more new posts.
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