i think the one thing i've really learned over this last year is that it's ok to embrace the hard days. too often we're quick to push it away for fear of what people will think or that we'll lose ourselves in it. i know i was. and yeah, sometimes you can't really embrace them as fully because you have responsibilities, families to take care of, people depending on you. i get that, too.
i guess what i'm trying to say is that it's ok to be honest with yourself about where you're at... what you're struggling with... what you're wrestling through. we're all fractured human beings in need of saving and it's alright to acknowledge that every once in a while.
there's definitely a trend in blogging these days of "keeping it real" and i appreciate that. it's so easy to play the compare game and wonder why everyone else in the world has it together except for you. these spaces of ours on the world wide web can be so deceiving sometimes, and often unintentionally. we can't possibly share every part of our lives on here and what we choose to write only gives a glimpse into the bigger picture of what's really happening.
i'm not sure where i'm headed with all this. but for me, that's often a good thing.
letting go and just allowing things to happen naturally and freely is something i'm not always comfortable with, but it's where God has me- learning that things don't always happen as planned and sometimes surprises can be wonderful. being free to make mistakes and learn from them. not allowing them to define me or set me back. picking myself up, dusting myself off and trying a different way. it's what makes mornings so exceptional (well that and the coffee). the chance to start fresh. a new day with fresh possibilities.
perhaps there is a stirring of hope within me today? is that what this is? possibly. it's that or the diet coke making its way through my body. either way, i'll take it.
grace and peace,

I've noticed the trend too, and I think it's great. Good to see you happy.
Your post reminded me of the verse "His mercies are new every morning" (Lam 3:22-23). Love that one. :)
Very true. I so appreciate your vulnerability!
I just love your heart and the way your posts reflect it.
thank YOU for being real, susan! so refreshing!
Love your blog. Keep posting!
I love your truthfulness Susan. I think expressing your feelings and not holding it all in at all times is actually kind of refreshing and therapeutic. At least it is for me :-)
I love the honesty! and congrats on your amazing journey- it is very inspiring.
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