i realized that i haven't mentioned too many details about my upcoming nuptials on social media and thought it might be nice to fill you in on what jeff and i have managed to accomplish thus far!
the most important detail is done- the honeymoon! haha! just kidding. i mean choosing the date. but the honeymoon is actually booked and we are headed to a gorgeous all-inclusive in jamaica. i might have already bought myself a cute floppy beach hat on clearance at target a couple weeks ago. just sayin'.
so the date... we settled on april 14th! summer is a crazy time for jeff's job that includes a month of him being away to run young life camp and we both agreed we wanted to be married before that so i could go with him and we can enjoy the crazy summer without wedding stress. plus, i had no desire for a long engagement so that put us at almost 8 months. but now it's just under 7! time is already flying by!
april 14th does fall on a sunday and we chose that because let's face it- we can save money! those savings will allow us to invite more people, which given our completely separate social circles is a MUST! we've chosen to have our reception at a renovated barn that is owned by one of our local premiere caterers. they offered us an all-inclusive package price that was just too good to pass up! i really love the idea of the barn... it's just more me and my style. it's renovated so it's a good blend between a ballroom and a barn. here's a peek at the outside although there are more renovations happening outside including lots of landscaping and removing the sheds and stuff.
we also booked our photographer last week! we are so blessed to have been able to snag the incredible joy moody. she actually photographed my sister's wedding 5 years ago and we've all managed to stay in touch thanks to social media. after i got engaged i emailed her about the date we were looking at and she informed me that she had just had a destination wedding in mexico get canceled. that settled the date for me! we met with her last week at her studio and she is just so talented. i cannot wait for her to capture our special day! to give you an idea of just how amazing she is i'll tell you this- this past june vice president joe biden's daughter got married in delaware and joy was the wedding photographer. so yeah. not much else needs to be said after that!
that's pretty much where we are with the planning at this point. obviously i need to find my dress still... but we've got our officiants confirmed... bridal party secured... although i still need to come up with a cute way to ask them... we'll see if that happens...
honestly though, things have been coming together so smoothly. i'm seriously shocked every time something works out so easily. it's been a blessing and huge weight off my shoulders to have some of the big decisions already taken care of!
i'll try to keep the blog updated with things as they come!
let's face it... the most exciting part of this whole journey is that i get to marry jeff... a man who carefully wooed my seriously tender heart... who was patient with me as i struggled to trust again... who makes me laugh every single day... who is so quick to remind me how much he loves me... who i will one day get to start a family with... and the list goes on. in all the details of the wedding day i don't want to lose sight that it's about he and i and what God has done in bringing us together. i hope our wedding day can be a reflection of the love we have for Him and each other and the joy we both feel in having found one another!
grace and peace,

April 14th is my mom and dad's anniversary. :) Congrats, again!
I wonder if that's the same place my friend Rachel had her wedding last year. Hmmmm...
And I've seen lots of photos by Joy Moody. Nice!
Ahh, April 14th is one day before my birthday! April is a good month :)
The renovated barn looks amazing, can only imagine what it will look like for your wedding!
Miss reading your blog, my heart did a happy dance when I saw you had a new post!
I am so happy with you! Thanks for taking the time to blog about it all and share!
Your hair is beautiful. I have always liked you with long hair. It's gorgeous.
I was all YAY CHEESY HAPPY about this post and then that last paragraph just got me all choked up. In a happy way. But yea. Love you two. xo
This post gave me chills(and I almost took a picture of it so I could Instagram it...not, well maybe...)It is just so awesome to see how God works everything out from the big stuff (like a fiance/husband) to the very little details.
We got married and honeymooned in Jamaica! Loved it! We are planning on going back next year for our 5th anniversay...but don't worry, we were planning for October so no honeymoon crashing! (Ew, how creepy would that be???)
This is all so so exciting!! Your wedding is going to be absolutely gorgeous and so are you!! I checked out your photographer, and holy cow. Now I can't wait to see the pictures! lol. Good luck with the rest of the planning process! :)
You are totally focused on the right part of the day - the ceremony where you become husband and wife! That's the most important part and the reason for the partying afterwards. I can only imagine how beautiful your day will be. :)
It's so exciting and I'm so glad we get to be a part of it!! You are going to be a beautiful bride!!
April is such a good month! In my opinion :) Still so over the moon for you and the plans God is seeing through in Your life!
SO happy for y'all. Love the barn! I can totally picture a wedding there! YAY for a great photographer!!! :)
My sis got married on a Sunday & it was just fine - plus the saving money thing is always good!
My engagement was nine months & i thought it was just a TEENY bit too long! So 8 is about perfect! :)
YAY! SO happy for you that you found a wonderful man like Jeff! You two are going to love being married! And it'll be fun to do Young Life with him as a married couple! :)
Yay! So glad for you two. This post gave me chills. It was all meant to be :)
EEE!!! I can't wait to follow you on your wedding planning journey! I love a barn wedding! That will be so pretty!
This made me so happy in so many ways. I love you both so much!! Love, Mom
I cannot tell you how excited I am for you my friend. You so deserve your fairytale happy ending and I'm so happy to follow you on this journey.
that barn is so beautiful! so happy for you :)
p.s when do you want my address for my invitation?! kidding of course :)
I was wondering it you got engaged at the younglife camp Saranac?
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